Hobble Creek Half Marathon

Hobble Creek Half Marathon

Hobble Creek Half Marathon

The Hobble Creek Half Marathon was started by two elite runners and USATF members in 1994 with a vision to create a course that would be both a record breaker and a great tune-up for the St. George Marathon. They chose a beautiful route that starts up the right fork of Hobble Creek Canyon close to Springville, Utah, the course snakes down the canyon, follows the local river trail, and continues on the road next to Hobble Creek.

The race now strives to be Utah's premier 1/2 Marathon event. The course is beautiful and fast with rolling hills and is a great place to set a PR (Personal Record) or tune up for a fall marathon. The race is known for its fast course, flowers for women, and Elite 100 medals.

All inquiries can be sent to hobblecreekhalfmarathon@gmail.com.

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Frequently Asked Questions

  1. When does race registration close?

    Online registration closes when we hit our race cap or on 7/19/2024.

  2. How can I defer my registration to next year?

    7/19/2024 is the last day to defer or transfer. Deferring will require a 10 dollar fee.

  3. When and where is packet pick-up?

    Packet pick up will be August 2nd from 4 PM to 7 PM at Runner’s Corner in Orem. Packet pick up will also be available the day of the race at 4:30 AM at the finish line.

  4. Can someone other than myself pick up my packet?

    Family members can with a valid form of picture ID.

  5. When and where do I catch the buses up the canyon?

    Bus loading will be on the corner of Maple St. and Main St., near the finish line. Pick up time will be between 5:00 AM and 6:00 AM depending on when you registered.

  6. Where does the race start?

    The race starts near Balsam Campground up the right fork of Hobble Creek Canyon. Buses will drop participants off at the last possible turn around spot (about .4 miles from the starting line). Participants will be required to walk the rest of the distance to the starting line.

  7. Where does the race finish?

    The race finishes on the grass at Mapleton City Park. particpants will run West on Maple St., turn South on Main St. then enter the park on the South West Corner for a grass finish.

  8. Am I able to bring a drop bag with me to the starting line?

    Yes, your bag from packet pick-up will be your drop bag. A trailer will be at the starting line to collect drop bags and will leave 10 minutes prior to the start of the race. Bags will be available for pick-up near the finish after you finish. Hobble Creek Half Marathon is not responsible for any lost, stolen or damaged items that may be in your drop bag.

  9. When are awards announced?

    Awards will be announced at 9 AM.

  10. How do I earn an Elite 100 Medal?

    Elite 100 medals are given to the first 50 men and the first 50 women to cross the finish line (based on gun time). Medals will be given out as participants finish.

  11. Are there restrooms along the course?

    Portapotties will be available at bus loading, finish line, and at aid stations. Additionally, there are campsite restrooms located at the start.

  12. Where can I find results?

    A results trailer will be parked near the finish line where participants can find out overall and age group placing. Afterwards, results will be posted on hobblecreekhalfmarathon.com.

  13. Where can I park?

    Parking is available at Mapleton Elementary, along North Main St., along North 300 West, and at the nearby church parking lot. No parking along Maple St.

  14. Where along the course can spectators cheer on racers?

    Best viewing spots would be around mile 10, near Wayne Bartholomew Family Park just as they exit Hobble Creek Canyon. Additionally, spectators can cheer their racers along the last mile on Maple Street, ending at Mapleton City Park. We do not recommend spectators drive up the canyon on race day.